Why Am I writing this blog?

On Feb 8th I'll be heading to Sri Lanka for to do volunteer work so I created this blog to keep anyone who is interested up to date. But there is another reason for this blog... You've probably heard the Dr. Sues line, "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."
I strongly believe that giving back to our society contributes directly to our own health so I am hoping that I can make a small impact on the community that reads this blog because it might motivate others. I feel like the only way to get the word out about the benefits of social interest is: 1. Do it & 2. Talk about it!
So my entries might jump around a bit with the intention to both share & motivate but hopefully the blog will resonate with you in one way or another.
If you're interested, check out www.uniterra.org to see if there are any positions that would make use of your experience!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Busy, busy

CEO of WUSC came so we went camping and on a safari in Udawalawe National Park. So fantastic! Saw so many elephants and the beautiful green park. Sat around camp fire but had no marshmallows.
This week I have a new volunteer here who I’ve been helping to gather the content for creating the website. It’s great to have someone here to hang out with and again I have again been un-srilankanized, ie. eating out, shopping and walking about and even drinking a beer!
Yesterday and today have been New Years celebrations with the children. So great! So busy, though! And PS We finally got ADSL now! Woot woot!

Here are a few pics from today...


Unknown said...

I love your pics on FB of the elephants, what an amazing experience! Where is the new volunteer from? Canada? Going out for beer you rebel! About this camping.. were there tents, or was it like a blanket in the bushes?

Anonymous said...

Your photos are great and you look fabulous. Lucky you getting to go to the Park. Did I tell you that our driver/guide's father and sister live in Matara. His name is Herath- actually that is the family name - just in case you find some one with that name.His mother and brother who was a policeman were washed away in the tsunami. Sdaly a common story there.
Enjoy every moment.

Ange said...

Oh, missed these comments, too.
No, I remember you thought they might live here but weren't here at the time. I have a Sarath here but no Herath... will keep my eyes open for that name now!