Why Am I writing this blog?

On Feb 8th I'll be heading to Sri Lanka for to do volunteer work so I created this blog to keep anyone who is interested up to date. But there is another reason for this blog... You've probably heard the Dr. Sues line, "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."
I strongly believe that giving back to our society contributes directly to our own health so I am hoping that I can make a small impact on the community that reads this blog because it might motivate others. I feel like the only way to get the word out about the benefits of social interest is: 1. Do it & 2. Talk about it!
So my entries might jump around a bit with the intention to both share & motivate but hopefully the blog will resonate with you in one way or another.
If you're interested, check out www.uniterra.org to see if there are any positions that would make use of your experience!

Saturday, April 19, 2008


The Pathi's were in Colombo this weekend so Madhu slept over last night. She is such a sweetie. We made Dhal and pasta and I helped her with her resume. In the morning, simply out of habit, she ironed my clothes and made my bed! She is used to living in a boarding room with 12 other girls and just 6 beds! And because she has a job while the others are still students she is the one who buys home rice and curry for the other girls to eat.

She is very good at English so I could chat with her ”very well,” as they say. The girls and Nilhu often say, after chatting with me, "oooh, we cover lot." I think they are used to discussing food, family and clothes, not arranged marriage, oppression and corruption. But because I am not here for long I have to cover a lot of ground so I get right in there with the sensitive topics. I know I can't change the culture but if I can give one girl even a spark of insight maybe they will develop a slightly more liberal way of seeing things, just as they have taught me a more united way to see things.

But these girls know that their culture is not the only way, and they know that in some cases it is not the best way, and still they respond to every issue with, “this is our culture.” Sometimes I think it is not unawareness I am fighting but their adamant belief in fate.

I feel like I have made some headway with one girl. Even as a University educated woman she says that it is a woman’s fault if she is sexually assaulted...what was she wearing & why was she walking alone? And if someone is abused by her husband she should be working harder to take away the alcohol and to create a “happy” family. But I think what she says is different from what she believes because I think she knows from experience that the “happy family concept” they teach is more condescending than helpful. She is just afraid to voice her opinion here about that to Sir.

Where many of our Universities teach you about how to challenge authority these teachers are still just coming in & lecturing facts without posing or answering any questions. During class my friend worked at INDECOS and would get filled in by her classmates later. She says she is very lucky to be able to get this job with INDECOS because many people from the village do not have these opportunities. She also had help from her brothers so she is now thinking about helping them as they come from a home with no water or electricity. By the way, not only is she trying to help her school friends, her mother, and her brothers, she is also sponsoring a girl she met from a far away village to go to University because the girl reminded her of herself. There is just no end to the generosity with some folks here.

She is also very eager because I told her if we wrote the story of these girls with pictures I could make a brochure to bring back to Canada to find sponsors. I know through World Vision sponsoring a child is $35 a month because a lot of that is going to the organization but because INDECOS doesn’t take any of the money, supporting these students would only cost $6 a month, or $60.00 for the year!


Unknown said...

Such a good idea to help that girl get sponsors from here! You can't say no to $60 a year, especially because we can write it off on our taxes probably! You go girl!

Ange said...

Ya, I know. Because we give money at Christmas to World Vision but it is a million times better when you are sure where that the money is not going to any other agenda.
And for a flat $60 with no future obligation, I think that people will be all over it!!!
So how many children would you like to support then? tee hee.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for your PC in today with lovely sunset picture. Sorry I have not logged on for a bit. We have had company so no time for anything extra like email! You are really getting into the culture, aren't you. Good for you. I am sure a lot of what you have told the girls will stick with them and who knows when it might help even one of them in the future. Good idea to support the children/people through those you know. That is what we have done by remaining in touch with Herath and sending money to help his family.
Thinking of you lots.

Ange said...

Oh, just read that you got my postcard, great! Yup, so into the culture. Very sad to be leaving so soon :(
Ya, I thought about how you guys were doing that- it's so great! You can't always see the poverty on the surface but then you will see the living conditions and realize there are 3 people to a mattress, or sometimes no mattress at all, and you realize we are so crazy- consumed by ideas of thread count and such!