Why Am I writing this blog?

On Feb 8th I'll be heading to Sri Lanka for to do volunteer work so I created this blog to keep anyone who is interested up to date. But there is another reason for this blog... You've probably heard the Dr. Sues line, "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."
I strongly believe that giving back to our society contributes directly to our own health so I am hoping that I can make a small impact on the community that reads this blog because it might motivate others. I feel like the only way to get the word out about the benefits of social interest is: 1. Do it & 2. Talk about it!
So my entries might jump around a bit with the intention to both share & motivate but hopefully the blog will resonate with you in one way or another.
If you're interested, check out www.uniterra.org to see if there are any positions that would make use of your experience!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Thotamuna Irangani

This morning I gave an Lesson on Presentations and Basic Do's and Don'ts of Photography. The girls are so good because they pay so much attention but I don't know if they always understand because they don't ask any questions... I made it very simple though and told them if they want to talk one on one about anything they can. One girl is going to Canada in August so she will actually be doing a presentation in Canada, which I will help her on before I go, so I was able to use her as an example for how she should address her audience, etc. I told her to expect a Canadian audience might not be quite as attentive, haha...
I am thinking back now to my group in our communications class- we did a presentation where we asked the two girls from Shangdong in our group to do a skit about the Canadian class environment. The next day we laughed so hard when we watched what they had come up with: "Students very bad" one girl said to the other, "put feet on desk, talk when teacher talking, eat food during class, call teacher by first name... they are like barbarians!" Now that I have seen their learning environments I can see for myself the unsubtle difference.
After the class we went to see a woman named Irangani who is a Tsunami affected woman that INDECOS and WUSC/Uniterra have found out about and would like to try to help.
This woman was actually rich before the Tsunami and lived alone comfortably, supported by her siblings and the inheritance from her parents. When the Tsunami hit her house was pretty much destroyed and she broke her arm in 3 places. While she was in the hospital, her house was looted and everything she owned was taken. She has no livelihood so no savings from which she can improve these appalling living conditions.
Harshani's idea is to at least build her a bedroom, so she is no longer sleeping on the porch, a bathroom and a front door that she can lock. If you are interested in contributing, let me know and I will send you Harshani's contact info!


Anonymous said...

Just want to say I am loving your blog, Ange. I'll be sorry when it's over!I'm living Sri Lanka again through you. Thanks!
Have sent you an email also.
Have fun and enjoy your last days.

Ange said...

Yup, got your email, thanks! I will post that link. Glad you enjoy the blog!
I saw a couple of your earlier comments, too, just yesterday and responded.

Ange said...
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