Well, I’m now in the Frankfurt Airport recovering from the last flight. In your time it is 3 am and I ate my fake egg omelette breakfast at about 1:30 am. Hmmm... sounds like Vegas.
Anyway, as far as 10 hour flights go, it went pretty well. There were about three babies crying in addition to the cold stale air and constant reminders of my thirst as the Heidi Klum look alike flight attendants came by over and over with dehydrating substances like coffee and wine. I did manage to sneak in about 2 hours of uncomfortable chair sleep though and I am feeling surprisingly good!
I am currently stalking those in the fold out chair section of the airport hoping to steal another wink among all the hustle and bustle.
Coming in over Germany reminded me of how great Switzerland and Germany are. They totally have this old school Little House on the Prairie thing going on and I think I got an even better view on the Mainz than when we purposely rode beside it in a train!
I think that people who are good at flying are probably those who are grounded- like Aaron. People like me are already so high that getting even higher just hurts. Natural highs, folks. Natural Highs.
I was doing pretty well at being unattached to my thoughts throughout this day but after 11 hours of waiting I have just found out my flight is delayed another one, at least. I am trying not to let the frustration in. First it's "When will this day freaking end" and next thing I know I will be wondering what I will be thinking about when my plane crashes or if I will even have time to think when the bomb blows me up at the airport. So to cut these thoughts off before the can really get going I fish out my mp3 player and listed to TAO. This music has the ability to not only unravel my worst fears about how I will die today but also has the ability to clear my mind of all thoughts. So for the next, what turns out to be almost 2 hours, I just stare at the wall and zone out.
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